Another week done. And I have now been on my mission for over a year now. Time flies. So this week we had a lot of things go on to make proselyting hard. We had a service day and Mega Zone Conference, we had General Conference for 2 days. We had a lot going on. So this is how the week went:
"Oh, but when I look back now. The summer seemed to last forever. And if I had the choice, yeah, I would wanna be there. Oh, those were the best days of my life." Preparation day! Went went to do laundry directly after studies and we had to go back to the laundromat. Haven't had to go to one of those since flushing. But it had wifi at this one so we emailed during that time and and then dropped it off at home. Wen to the mall near by and got lunch and walked around for a bit. Nothing too exciting and went to Best Buy afterwards. Went to the Freeport chapel then and emailed some more until the end of preparation day. We went to a member's home for dinner and down to long beach to try to contact a referral but nothing and so we went along the boardwalk talking to everyone. That ended our night.
"And I've made up my mind. I ain't wasting no more time. Here I go again." Today was an average day in Lynbrook. We first went to go visit a referral and we were able to talk to him and drop off the bible and book of mormon he requested. Then went straight to district meeting. Had a good district meeting and went to lunch at chipotle. Went knocking for a bit and exploring the area. Found a cool beach. Then went to a member's home for dinner down on Long Beach. She is from the Philippines so she made us food from her country. It was super good and we got stuffed. Then we went to visit the brown family and was able to talk about the Book of Mormon with them. Then visited a less active named Dave. He is cool and we were able to talk about General Conference coming up this weekend.
"Its my life! My heart is like an open highway. And breaker said I did it my way. I just wanna live while I'm alive." Well today was a whole lot of service and fun. We had early morning service for sister Hare and her garden. Did that for a little over an hour when we went to the church and did weekly planning in preparation for tomorrow's Mega Zone Conference. Then we had to go to another service project for Ralph and that was kinda like the Far Rockaway service where we were working around a home that was lifted up to make the basement bigger. That was more of the hard labor shoveling dirt around to fill holes and sort out the rocks. Afterwards, we had to take our car into the shop for an inspection. It has been making noises for the past couple days and we were told to take it in. We were there for 3 hours because it was that backed up and during that time, we walked around the mall. They figured out somethings wrong with it and like usual, they found other things that don't need maintenance but still want money so they say to change all this other stuff. Ill just let our vehicle coordinator tell them what to do and not to do. Finally, we went to the Freeport chapel to give blessings to sisters. That was our fun day.
"Shot through the heart, and you're to blame. Darling you give love a bad name." 1 year ago today, I got set apart as a missionary. That year has felt like 4 months. Flown by. Today we had mega zone conference. We had to wake up early to get there by 8 and it was all about being a diligent missionary and the new simplified planning method for weekly and daily planning. It was a great day and I learned a lot. It got over at 4:45 and we got out of there around 5:15 to go eat dinner and went straight to the Brown family's home. They were on their way to bed by the time we got there so we made it quick. Then dropped by the Andersen's because they offered to take somethings to Utah for us on their trip there. Then did a little contacting and headed home.
"Oh, were half way there! Oh-oh! Livin on a prayer! Take my hand and we'll make it I swear." I have waited 1 year to write that quote right there and finally, its been a year. So, today was pretty normal. We had studies and then had to go take our car into the shop to get the parts fixed that didn't get fixed Wednesday. That took till 2 pm so the sisters picked us up to take us to visit a member at his work. He is big into WWII stuff and models. We also did some knocking. Afterwards, we got a ride back from the sisters and got our car. We then went to a lesson but the person wasn't home. So we looked up referrals until dinner. Then we looked up more referrals and visited with Will and Sherrel. They are a lot of fun and so close to Baptism. That ended our night
"When the lights go down in the city, and the sun shines on the bay. Oh, I wanna be there in my city, oh-oh." General Conference Saturday! We had so much fun today. We first started off with service for an elderly member and helping her take out her ac units and technology problems. Then we were going to go play basketball with brother brown but he couldn't this morning so we did some contacting until conference. We watched the Saturday morning session at the Freeport chapel. Then we went contacting at the park nearby and got a call to go on exchanges with the assistants. We went to their apartment to watch the Saturday afternoon session and afterwards we went with Elder Sirrine to visit sister tessel. I learned a lot from Elder Sirrine on how to have good member visits. Went back to their apartment and watched priesthood session at their apartment and went home afterwards.
"Someday love will find you. Great parts, chains that bind you. One night will remind you while we part our separate ways." General Conference Sunday! Today was a little more relaxed than yesterday. We went and did look ups in the morning after studies of our referrals and then went to Freeport chapel to watch the morning session. Then the Spanish branch had lunch there and invited us to stay for it. Couldn't say no:) Went to a member's home then to meet the sisters to grab some of our stuff but ended up staying there and watching general conference. After, they fed us dinner and we went to go to a lesson but it got cancelled and so we did some referral contacting in the area. Visited a less active as well and we were able to meet with him. Then we had to go pick up the sisters phone at the Freeport chapel that the Spanish elders found and then we dropped it off with the sisters. That was the end of our night.
So the people we are working with mostly is the Brown family and Will and Sherrell. To introduce them a little, the Brown family had their mother baptized recently and their father is returning to activity in the church. Will and Sherrell were found knocking by other missionaries and are progressing really well. Just have some things to work out before they can get baptized. It is awesome to be able to meet with them. That is the only people that we have worked with more than once so we are also trying to find through our referrals. Still so many.
Well, not much else to say.
WWII models
Close up
That was our snacks
#Lynbrook7 We are in Zone 7 so that's the reason behind the 7
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