Hello everyone!
So this week was an interesting one. I got a few new callings and you
will read all about those in the daily summaries and how I got them.
Check them out for your self:
"But if you like the way, you look so much, then baby you should go
and love yourself. But if you think, that I, am holding on, then baby
you should go with someone else." I don't know why but that song is
really good and I like it. And I've heard it like 3 times through in
the field. Decent song by JB. Anyways, as you probably noticed last
week, I didn't send out my email Monday as it was a half preparation
day due to temple tire this Saturday, hopefully. It's not even set
with the temple yet. So we get to call the temple tomorrow and set
that up. But back to today, we went shopping immediately after studies
and then went to the Spanish elders apartment to hang out for our half
day. We played Munchkin and that was a lot of fun. Ate subway for
lunch then our day was up. We had to drive to Richmond Hill to pick up
a metro card for one of the Spanish elders and drive back. We made
calls at the church until we went home and ate dinner. Then we had a
great session of knocking the prison yard. We found 2 new
investigators and one with really solid potential. He was asking us
the same questions Joseph Smith was asking and so we shared the story
and he was even more interested it seemed like. Hopefully he will
continue. Afterwards, we went to brother Thompson's and had family
home evening with them and brother Gureck. We talked about patriarchal
blessings. And went home.
"If I got locked away, and we lost it all today. Tell me honestly,
would you still love me the same? If I showed you my flaws and I
couldn't be strong. Tell me honestly, would you still love me the
same?" Pretty interesting day today. We went to service after a half
hour of personal study but we had to pick up the other elders that
live far away to go to it as they lost a metro card. So we went to
service till lunch, had lunch, then went to Richmond hill to get
another metro card for the lost one. Came back and stopped by a new
investigators home and taught him. Tried to stop by Edwin's but he
wasn't home. Drove to service to give the metro cards and supplies to
the elders and ate dinner. Then it got crazy where we had a lesson
planned, it fell through. Went to Forbes, not home but come back
later, SIddoway's, not home, Dures, not home. Knocking for a bit then
went back to the Forbes and taught them and Shaheed texted and told us
to come by at 8:30 and so we went to the church to help brother Gureck
and went to Shaheed's. Taught him and then went home. We had a night
of planning on the go. Then we got bad news for today. We called the
temple and scheduled brother Gurek's endowment but we could only do it
at 3:30. So we aren't able to go. Too late. So we will be emailing
"Sugar, yes please. Won't you come and put it down on me. I'm right
here, cause I need, a little light, a little symphony." We got a
normal day finally. We had our last district meeting of the transfer
and we went to the roof of the church building and took our final
district picture and then we went to a lesson with Iderle. That was a
fun lesson and it was potentially Elder Parrish's last as he might be
leaving Tuesday. So we also took pictures with her and she leaves
Monday for her month and a half long trip. Went and visited a referral
in a shelter so that was an experience getting through security and
that process to drop off a bible. Went and visited some members but
not home and potentials but not home either so we then went to eat
dinner. Went and picked up brother Romero to go to a lesson with
Ayodeji. That was another long lesson as we finished the commandments
and went over the interview questions. Dropped off brother Romero and
went to another lesson but didn't happen so we knocked around. Went to
the church to make sure we still had the baptismal suits there and
contacted around the church till we went home and took the Spanish
elders home too.
"They found me. I don't know how but they found me." Great day today.
We had a lot of weird things happen but it might not sound weird
written so bear with me. We had our studies and that sort of merged
with weekly planning and we were planning for our baptism this Sunday
and we were trying to figure it all out as much as we could and
everything wasn't going right. We were struggling to find rides, time
for baptism, and other minor details too. Then we got a call to go to
the church so we got ready only to get a call not to go to the church
anymore. We are not needed so we ate lunch and continued weekly
planning at the church. We then went to Richmond Hill to exchange so a
zone leader could interview Ayodeji. Elder Wixom went to interview him
so I am with elder Selfaison. We went and did a look up and ate
McDonald's. He had some essay to write for scholarships so we did that
during dinner and had correlation afterwards. Went and taught a less
active I think and it was in Spanish. Then went and taught a guy named
Carlos. I've actually taught him 3 times now so I feel like I know him
now even though he speaks only Spanish mostly. Great day and fun one
too:) love exchanges.
"The dinosaur's alive."
So interesting day today. We had studies and exchanged back afterwards
but I found out that Ayodeji wasn't able to make it to the interview
and won't be around this weekend... So no baptism. That's great. So we
went home and had a quick lunch, and went to the SIddoway's and taught
Thomas and sister Siddoway. Fun times and went to visit some
potentials but nothing. So we knocked for the afternoon and only
planted seeds. We had dinner and went knocking some more and taught a
lesson. Then we went to the church and here is the big news: President
Reynolds called and I am going to be a trainer! So now I'm a bottle of
mixed emotions. We went to the church to help brother Gureck prepare
for the temple tomorrow and his talk on Sunday and I could hardly
focus. I was basically distracted the rest of the night and we went
home. Gonna be a great 12 weeks.
"I didn't see that one coming." So you thought a trainer was cool,
well there's more. SO today we went to the new trainers meeting and
that was cool. Inspiring messages given by the assistants and
President Reynolds. Then Elder Ko, an assistant, came up to me
afterwards and said president wanted to meet with me and Elder
Parrish. So we went downstairs and Elder Parrish met with President
first, then I did. President Reynolds was telling me about Belle
Harbor a little bit and how he wants me to be the new district leader
down there. I was kind of expecting it as we thought Elder Parrish was
leaving so this just confirms our thoughtS. But the trainer we didn't
think would happen as president says he doesn't want to send trainees
down here. It's a very fragile place and he said that he first didn't
have me training. He just kept having the thought that Elder Heaton
needs to train but he put it off 3 times he said. Then he made me a
trainer after the fourth time. Pretty cool story. So I get to be
District Leader, Trainer, and the Branch Clerk down here:) Great:)
Afterwards, we went home and didn't get to have lunch as we had a
lesson to go to and we needed Brother Thompson so we picked him up,
went to the lesson, then had correlation afterwards. Went to the
Forbes for dinner and went knocking for a bit for prime time. Only
planted seeds, and not that many. Went and visited the Dures
afterwards and made sure they were coming for elder Parrish's last
Sunday. Looking forward to seeing who my new trainee is still:) Other
good news for the day, Brother Gureck did go to the temple today and
got his endowment!!!
"I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it!" Well, today was a normal
day for the most part. We had church and elder Parrish was saying his
goodbyes to everyone. He even showed me how to be the branch clerk
too:) not too hard but just add that to the list of responsibilities
now. After church, we had lunch and took the sacrament to sister
Harvey. Went and did some look ups and knocked for a bit. Had a quick
dinner and took a nap. Went out and knocked more and visited a few
more members for elder Parrish and contacted by the church to end the
night. Simple day but a lot of goodbyes.
So I'm a trainer! And the new district leader! And a branch clerk!
Told you I got new callings:) I'm pretty excited about all of them and
the new experiences I get to have with each one. So excited but also
very nervous. Lots of new responsibilities. I'll do my best though!
So as you could also see, we didn't have our baptism Sunday like we
were hoping. He just couldn't make it and we haven't been able to
contact him at all. We stopped by everyday and called him a few times
but nothing. So my trainee and I will try to figure something out with
him. Hopefully we will get back in contact soon. Iderle left today for
her vacation so we will start facetiming her to teach her. And we are
trying to find new investigators to teach and hopefully baptize as
well. Looks like my trainee will be able to have at least 1 baptism
while he is here. Hopefully.
Love you all and miss you! I will try to let my parents know who my
new trainee is and if a certain someone (you know who you are) will
take a picture at transfer exchange and send it home of me and my
trainee. I will see you in the next email! Bu-bye!
-Elder Heaton
On top of our church building with Manhattan in the background
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