read about that in a sec.
"I see a suit of armor around the world." Preparation day! We had our
usual honing of laundry and then got lunch. Went up to Little Neck to
hang out with the elders for our last day together and the sister
training leaders brought this game of jelly beans. You spin the
spinner and it lands on a certain color but it can be good or bad
tasting. Like one was either chocolate pudding or dog food. I ate one
that was dead fish. So disgusting. Then after preparation day we went
and taught Anne and her mom again. We were able to go over the Plan of
Salvation. Then tried visiting another referral but not home. So we
knocked for a bit until we had to go home. That was our night.
"That man is playing Galaga. Didn't think we would notice, but we
did." Transfer day. It is crazy as Sister Landaverry left Lynbrook
after 1 transfer of being here and she was the only one to leave
besides Little Neck but we knew that one was coming. We had our
regular morning of studies and lunch. Got ready to go and left for
Leadership Meeting and we got to say goodbye to Elders Wixom,
Mitchell, and Honey. Elder MItchell is the first of my companions to
go home for good as Elder McCulloch is coming back out so that is
weird. After, we went straight to the andersens and had dinner there
and shared a spiritual message. Then we went to visit Delano as his
number doesn't work now and we go to see him and set up a time for
Thursday to come by. Knocked a little bit and then made some calls
before heading home fo rthen night. Looking forward to probably my
last transfer in Lynbrook.
"Get ready Jarvis. We're going into hardware mode." Big changes came
today to the missionary task force of the world. We had a world wide
missionary broadcast today right after lunch and they changed the
daily schedule and key indicators a little. We now changed studies to
have planning in the morning, not night, and have personal study right
after it. That's what we are supposed to do in the morning and we have
companionship study, 12 week (if needed), language study (if needed)
any time during the day. And they shortened some of the times and at
night, we get home at 9 or 9:30 if teaching and get ready for bed
straight away, write in journal and can go to bed by 9:30 to have 9
hours of sleep. Then the key indicators have been reduced down to only
5. This are investigators baptized, confirmed, with a baptismal date,
attended sacrament meeting, and new investigators. The rest are still
there to have goals for but they are not reported to Salt Lake
anymore. Crazy stuff. After the broadcast, we bought a few things to
survive till Monday and called potential investigators and tried
visiting a few until we had dinner. Then we went out to contact
referrals and knock around them. We found a Spanish family but Spanish
is something neither elder Sakurada or I know so we said we would have
the Spanish missionaries come by soon. Continued and wasn't able to
contact any referrals but one said to try Sunday. Tried looking up a
former nearby but no answer. Headed home to bed, no planning tonight:)
"What if I told you we were putting together a team."
"You're one to talk."
Today was a good day. We had the new schedule today which was weird to
plan in the morning. Then personal Study and companionship study but
only for 30 min and lunch for 30 min. Went to district meeting and
then did some look ups around Freeport. Not much success as not many
people were home. Tried going to teach Delano but he wasn't home
either so we went and had dinner. Went to a lesson with a family but
turned out the mom wasn't home but she wanted us to teach her kids.
Great, it's like babysitting but with the gospel this time. But we
taught them and they were not into it at all so it wasn't the best
lesson. We are definitely going to get the mom involved next week.
Then did some knocking in the area before doing some more look ups and
headed home.
"The director will see you now."
"Oh good, nothing like waiting to see an old friend."
Today was interesting. We had the morning routine and lunch. Went and
did a few look ups before we went to President's house or the mission
home so elder Sakurada could have an interview with President. Not
sure for the reasoning behind it all but it was weird to be back in
the mission home. Last time I was there was my first day in NY. Then
we went to the Freeport chapel and weekly planned for our
investigators and went home for dinner. Got some supplies from the
sisters for Carl and then did look ups and knocking all night with no
success. We got to talk to one of our investigators but she is super
busy with school and work that she said she will call us when she is
available for us to come by and teach her. That was our night.
"No hard feelings. You got a mean swing." Today was an average day. We
started off with a mission wide conference call answering any
questions we may have with the new schedule or key indicators and
clarifying anything. It was interesting to see what questions people
had and afterwards, we went to go teach the Browns but they weren't
home and we tried calling but no answer so we got lunch at Burger King
and taught Darlene afterwards. We have kinda jumped the gun a little
bit with her and we realized it so we went back and reviewed the
restoration with her focusing on priesthood authority and its
importance. Then we did look ups of potentials and knocked around each
one for a bit. Got to talk to a few people and handed out a few Book
of Mormons but no new Investigators yet. Had dinner in the middle of
it and continued doing it after dinner. The potentials we tried
visiting were not home usually and if they were, tonight wasn't a good
night for them. Oh well.
"The truth is... I am Iron Man." It was a good day today. We had a
lesson with Anne in the morning and we went over the Book of Mormon
more with her and then went to church afterwards. Nothing crazy at
church this time but we did teach gospel principles class and then 3rd
hour was combined. After church, we went and gave a blessing to a
member in the hospital and then went to Bishop's home for dinner. Did
some look ups the rest of the night until I made the district calls.
These ones were a lot shorter as there is only 4 key indicators.
Darlene is kinda at a standstill right now. She expressed to us on
Saturday how much she is involved with her church and her daughter
especially, Chelsey. We are trying to figure out why she is meeting
with us now as she doesn't seem willing to change religions anymore.
Anne is still confused about the Book of Mormon and why it is so
important. She is interested in it but not as a book of scripture. She
thinks of it more as a story. Still focusing on praying to know if the
Book of Mormon is true with both of them. Eddie got a job so it had
been really hard to meet with him even after it was hard to meet with
him without a job! So we again didn't see him this week. The Browns
are moving now. This Friday they are moving and then Delano got a new
phone number and we don't have it yet so we have to stop by randomly
to try to catch him at home. So far we got him at home but wasn't
available to teach and haven't seen him since then. So we are doing a
lot of finding now.
The changes to the missionary schedule and key indicators are
definitely taking some time to get used to. It's weird to plan in the
morning and get home at night and just relax and change immediately.
The key indicators are also weird as there is only 4 and it focuses on
what the person is doing. If they are getting baptized and confirmed,
attending church, accepting a baptismal date, or if they are starting
New as a new investigator. All the other key indicators lead to these
4 so we still need to be doing the other ones but these 4 are the most
Hope everyone had a good week! Love you all!
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